Monday, June 17, 2013

new blog to see

heyy ,

i have a new website/blog thing if you want to learn about the real life of me AKA SizzleRat

feel free to leave comments and stuff you can also email me ideas and stuff

i will try to reply ASAP just but the subject as sizzle is back or penguins with Afros, something along that line...

 penguinswithafros is about my friend Bree's and my life and ideas and stuff, its really funny (and popular in South Korea) its fun to make and tell people about the stuff we do and my crazy model friends falling asleep in driveways :) i may only be 13 but still a pretty crazy life, my friend bree help me out too shes in 6th i'm in 8th (shes mature for here age though) so check it out :) trying to get more views...

i will still use this one but jut sayin'

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